Jatto Moses Osarenoma
Born 7 April 2003
Grew up in Edo state, he’s a student of university of Benin (UNIBEN)
He’s the Last child of his family,
Which consists of 3 girls and 3boys
He started off as a gospel artist with an amazing Gospel Ep Titled THE REVELATION
1 �Judgement hall
2 �Heaven at last
3� Find me d devil
4 �Genesis
He Then switched to spoken words with an inspiring Spoken word titled
Scripture found his ground in secular music with his first single ANGELINA before finally �HYPE�
“Scripture” which means “The sacred writings of Christianity contained in the Bible” was a name given to him by his dad, they all called him scripture in the church because of his craft and service in church.
But as soon as he switched to secular music he decided to remove the I and add y “SCRYTURE”
Before he met DIRECTOR RAY he had a couple of event he performed
He likes hosting his personal show called �euphoria� his career has been an experience all along
Moving forward he met Director Ray through Jerry drumz who invited him to perform at Bankxified hangout with director Ray the auchi edition,prior to this show they’ve never met but on getting to the event they got acquainted.
He blended so well with the entire team during his performance and was officially invited to be a part of BANKXIFIED TEAM.
A different wave of hype
1 Hype Messiah
2 Thrills
3 Sapa
4 olosho dance
5 beef
6 happy dey go
Making You More Famous …